Successfully Project Finished.
Years of experience with proud
Revenue in 2017 investment
Colleagues & counting more
KEYNES GROUP is growing rapidly into UAE’s leading company in delivering exceptional service. As the industry moves forward, so does our company. Our journey from a construction company to a conglomerate comprising of contracting and service industries has been filled with its fair share of trials. However, we can honestly say that today, our employees are richer in experience than their counterparts.
KEYNES GROUP symbolizes the best in innovation, creativity and technological mastery, befitting for a group that harness a culture of innovation to deliver technical expertise in tacking the most complex of projects. KEYNESS GROUP has strong relationship with other keyness companies and subsidiaries and, as a result, can leverage ideas, skills and enterpreneurial flair to deliver top-quality work in all sectors.
Our Mission is to exceed the expectations of our business partners through groups of highly qualified teams and professional employees, enabling us to serve you better. We build trust with our customers by providing our clients with services in a long-term commitment and our experienced employees will be there at your discretion to help you troubleshoot any issues that might arise. Speed is a virtue that we stand by at all times.